About Us


I'm Eunice, Chairperson of the Aitkin Area Pickleball Association. 
This site was created to communicate about all things pickleball in the Aitkin, MN area. 

I've seen so many friendships develop from our pickleball community - and that's what pickleball represents to me.  At the end of the day, we don't remember the score, we remember the people. 

We are a small community with big pickleball dreams!



Aitkin Area Pickleball Association Board Members:  Chairperson:  Eunice Weslander  

Treasurer:  Julie Wilson 

Scheduling: Roberta Kosloski 

Court Management: Tim Steffens

Website/Fun Committee:  Carolyn Karstens 

Member:  Mike Eisenbraun

Member: Judy Anakkala 

Member: Kathy Asplin

Contact us:  aitkinpickleball@gmail.com


AAPA is the result of years of passionate devotion by many pickleball leaders in our community. A very special thank you to John Newstrom.  John is a self-described pickleball fanatic, and was one of several people who helped form and administer the Aitkin Area Pickleball Association. He has been an active player, PB 101 instructor, and coach for many years. He has also served as an Ambassador for the U.S. Pickleball Association, responsible for promoting pickleball in the Aitkin County area.

John is the pickleball patriarch of the Aitkin area. He continues to teach and offer his expert advice on a regular basis. He has been here from the beginning and many of us have learned from him; not only the game of pickleball, but also the love and passion for the game. For these things we owe him a debt of gratitude.

Also a special thanks to:

Aitkin Area Pickleball Association


Please reach out if you have questions, comments, or would like to volunteer.
